Mills Apartments Associate Spotlight: Lisa Zagoren

We at Mills recognize that without the hard work and dedication of the many people who work with and for Mills Properties, we would not be where we are today. We have begun a journey to learn more about the talents and passions of our associates outside of their daily Mills life in an effort to extend our praise and thanks, and hopefully, to help you get to know them a little bit better as well.

Our 3rd associate in our Getting To Know Our Mills Associates journey is Lisa Zagoren. Lisa is an Area Manager and the Property Manager of Oak Park Apartments, a 758 unit community in North County, Missouri. Lisa’s daily Mills routine is tough, but it’s a piece of cake compared to what she does after she clocks out for the day. Lisa has taken up boxing, originally for the workout, but now she is training for competition and loving every minute of it. Here’s what she had to say about her love of the sport:

1. Why did you start boxing?

I wanted to get back in shape and gain more energy.

2. Were you into sports as a child? What were your favorites?

Yes, I played volleyball, basketball and ran track.

3. A lot of people consider boxing a violent and dangerous sport. Do you agree?

Yes and no. It’s dangerous if you don’t protect yourself and guard correctly.

4. What is the worst injury you have sustained?

So far, I have bruised ribs, sprained my ankle, jammed a couple fingers, and bruised my face.

5. What is the most important technique you have learned so far?

Blocking! 🙂

6. Is this just for exercise or do you fight in competitions?

Originally, it was just for exercise, but I fell in love with the sport and am now training for competition. I love to spar!

7. Do you ever feel guilty about hitting/injuring an opponent? How do you overcome those feelings once you get in the ring?

Not at all! Once I put the gloves on, it’s an automatic rush. My body fills with adrenaline and I can’t wait to start throwing punches!

8. What are your goals in boxing?

My main goal is to stay in shape, but I can’t wait to get to the point of competitive fighting!

9. What kind of advice can you give young women who may be interested in starting a career in the martial art/combat sports world?

This is a tough and very frustrating sport. It took several months for me to coordinate my foot work and hand work together. Hang tough and keep your goals in sight. 

10. Fun question: If you could choose between front row seats at The Oscars or ringside seats at a Holyfield-Tyson re-match, which would you choose?

Definitely the Holyfield-Tyson rematch! 

In keeping with the last question tradition: A shout out for Mills Properties – What interests you most about the work that you do?

I absolutely love the daily challenges that come my way and love working with people. I have been with Mills on and off for over 16 years now and can’t imagine working for another company or doing anything else!  I am extremely happy and fulfilled in my professional life.

Stay tuned for photos and possibly videos of Lisa’s first competitive match.

Thank you Lisa for all of your hard work and dedication!

1 Comment | Leave a Comment

I think Evander and Holyfield are the same person. 🙂

I love LZ’s passion – it rocks!

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